Monday, August 31, 2009

Selamat Hari Merdeka ke-52!!!

Selamat Hari Merdeka!!!

Walaupun kerajaan Malaysia kini dikuasai parti yang zalim durjana, tetapi Ibu Pertiwi tetap Ibu Pertiwi, tanah tumpah darah kita tetap disanjungi. Dimana bumi dipijak, disitulah langit dijunjung.

Semoga rakyat Malaysia akan celik dan bangkit memilih kerajaan yang amanah dan jujur, yang bakal mengisi kemerdekaan dalam ertikata yang sebenarnya; dengan menegakkan keadilan, kebebasan, hak asasi dan demokrasi, supaya keamanan dan kemakmuran sejati boleh kita capai bersama.


Tanah Pusaka

Kemegahan Negara Ku

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How to Paste Text into Comment Boxes

Google seems to have disabled pasting text (including ctrl-v) into blogger comments boxes in Firefox. The good news is that:
1. You can still copy paste using Internet Explorer (I successfully tried it with IE7)
2. With Firefox, you can still "Drag and Drop" text into the comment form. I have successfully dragged and dropped text from MS Word, websites (HTML) and from ScribeFire (plain text and HTML). Just do the following:

a) reduce the size of the window you want to take the text from, and place it near the comment box
b) Highlight the required text with cursor
c) Click on the highlighted text and drag it over to the comment box and drop it there.

Happy commenting!